Friday, December 31, 2010

Two thousand Ten

I was trying to think up a list of the things that have happened this year. The things that I've changed, that have changed around me.

I kept coming up blank.

And then I realized 2010 was a year where I was working on and focusing on stability. Some days I felt stuck in my stability and some days I felt safe in it.

In 2010 we didn't move. I didn't fall in love with anyone new. My heart wasn't broken. Our wedding wasn't planned. I had a couple nieces born but nothing that directly involves me.

I think a lot of people were sick this year. One person close to us died. There was emergency and crisis everywhere we went. Maybe that's why our life was studied calm and sameness. Maybe it was all we could do to keep it together.

But now, sitting here, nothing sticks out as a terribly trying year. We went on a couple mini vacations to wedding location scout. We went to Seattle for a weekend. We went to three different cities in Spain in just over a week. I got more colds and flus and food poisonings than I think I've ever gotten in years past. I blame it on old age. I got into petty neighbor squabbles.

I did dance classes, photography classes, considered (but couldn't afford) cello classes. I went and mastered and conquered the dog park. Speaking of dogs, Penelope got hit by a car, that was a load of fun.

I carried through on last year's resolution to develop more hobbies and to find what it is that I want to do. I'm leaving 2010 with a goal to begin the new year actively pursuing and accomplishing it.

SO! To prepare for 2011 here's what I've done:

  • Got a fancy new haircut. It looks pretty good.
  • Am working a new volunteer job (as well as my normal job) that I'm almost 90% sure will turn into some sort of paid job offer soon.
  • We're moving out, our first day in the new place is around the 1st. Stay tuned for pictures
  • My entire desk is clean
  • My calendar is ready
  • My life is organized.
  • I'm ready to go.
I hope everyone has a safe, fun, and happy new year's eve!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So, I've been thinking about New Year's Resolutions lately. I don't know if you know, but I'm a big believer in a good, solid NYR. I feel like people definitely shouldn't make them if they aren't ready to commit to it and I definitely think that a half-kept NYR is still a kept one.

If one resolves to exercise more and can get themselves to do it for 6 months, then that's 6 months improvement, and that much closer to having a better life or being a better person or being closer to happiness. I don't think a person should be completely unrealistic and expect to do something EVERY day for the rest of their lives.

Monday, December 27, 2010

It's official!!

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

On The Move Again...

These boxes have survived multiple moves in as many years.

Looking forward to a new year where all the changes will be for the better.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Heart of the Matter

OK, so here's the thing:

I'm afraid that the things I'm doing aren't worthwhile things.

I'm afraid that I have no direction in life and nothing makes me happy and nothing ever will.

I'm afraid that I'll never find anything that I am jointly good at, enjoy, and don't mind doing long term.

I'm afraid I'll never find a suitable career to commit to and I'm afraid that just for the sake of commitment I'll stay doing things I hate, that I am not good at, and that make me depressed.

I'm afraid that I'm lost and I won't ever find my way.

I'm afraid that I'm too afraid and don't know how to have confidence in my own decisions and so I'll be stuck like this forever.

That's the thing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I was on a sort of Christmas Spirit high from Thanksgiving and only now is it starting to dwindle away...

The euphoria from shopping has faded, the feeling of accomplishment of getting my list taken care of is anti-climatic.

We got out tree, put up lights, and I'm suddenly surprised it's just more of the usual. Work sucks, weather sucks.

I'm either covered in medication resistant hives or bug bites. Either one is no good.

A month left of the year, and what has really happened? Has my life really changed? Have I grown and become something better?

Ughk to these feelings.

Monday, December 6, 2010


For tonight's dinner? Stir fry beef and veggies over rice! (this should have been a tweet :( haha )

Friday, December 3, 2010


Ok, so I know I have subscriptions to 5 different magazines, yet this somehow still surpised me.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Coming Plauge

Things I Don't like:

  • open toe shoes
  • That achey sick feeling
  • menstruation
  • dingleberries (on my dog, not me)
  • Sad love stories without happy endings
  • silk
  • back aches
  • trying to think of things I want for xmas
  • Being angry with people
  • the inability to cut people I don't like out of my life (hello family.)
  • cranky neighbors
  • Needing a brake job
Things I DO like:

  • The Christmas spirit
  • The new month a coming
  • Reading about new tropical diseases
  • Magazine subscriptions (5 this year!)
  • Musicals
  • Favorite musicals
  • wrapping gifts
  • dancing
  • singing even though I suck at it
  • the spelling of break over brake
  • word games
  • Comfortable shoes
  • My new phone
  • My little sister having a phone
None of this was relevant to anything important or interesting.

Ah, the downfall of the internet