Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Velvety Fur


Like watching a movie I went through the pains of birth. Quick screaming montage with sweaty hair, hand squeezing, and screaming. And then I brought a life into the world.

It was nameless. Simply, My Baby. And I knew I had never loved anything more.

My baby was a bunny. a very large bunny. And I held it in my arms just as anyone would do to their baby. It was grey and white. with big ears and a cute dome shaped bunny head. And it was incredibly soft. unbelievably soft. And I love my soft-furred bunny baby. I cherished it.

And I brought it to a family party in a restaurant / dance club. And everyone wanted to hold and pet My Baby. But everyone carried it here and there. But they were getting to close to the speakers and I knew that the loud noise was hurting My Baby's ears (given that they were large bunny ears). And so I coddled and protected her like a loving mother would.

And then, even though my baby was only 2 days old as I was putting her into her carseat and holding the handle she said her first word. "Hanger" in regards to the handle of her carseat. and she was only two days old. And I was beaming with pride. My wonderful, soft, loving, sweet, bunny My Baby said her first word at only two days old. And I couldn't wait to brag.

I know I don't want any children. But I think I miss the overflowing affectionate proud love that I felt for my Bunny Baby.
My Baby was something like this but bigger and softer and grey.

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