Monday, May 12, 2008

The Color of hatred

I am unsure of the proper way to deal with overt racism.

It lends itself to feelings of frustration, helplessness, and an indescribable sense of pain.

I ask you, my friends, How does one cope? 

How do we cope when we are witness to debilitating racism?

It's somehow stuck in my memory. I think of it every day. How can you look at people the same way and with the fair amount of understanding and remain free from judgement when you have felt threatened and almost ashamed of not only yourself and the color of your skin... But your entire background, your culture, your family for their background and culture, and the world you exist in? 

How do we manage to function in what is supposed to be a color free world when we're aware more than ever that we ARE colored? 

At this time in my life.... How do i react? What is proper?

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