Monday, October 13, 2008


Sometimes I do this thing that makes me not want to update my blog...

It's called leading an uninteresting super lame life. boring. boring. boring. my life is boring.

All day monday to friday I babysit a baby. She doesn't talk, walk, make jokes. She sits and makes noises and throws things at my face. It was really amusing and fun the first couple of weeks. But now I just feel like a house mom. With the shades drawn, watching day time television for like 5 hours a day. Ughk. All that's ever on on Maury is DNA/Paternity tests. The highlight of my day is sesame street. Lame.

At night I usually go home. I sit around, unfortunately watch a little more TV, eat a mediocre dinner, and hang around practically staring a the paint dry.

I don't have a real challenging job. I don't do anything of real interest on the weekends. I'm currently not in school and fantasize about registering for classes.

I'm sick every day (literally) for some god unknown reason.

Maybe in a day or two I'll be able to look at the more humerous side of my otherwise very droll life. And fill my blog with stories of my mundane domestic amusements.

1 comment:

Jacob Marvin Rossi said...

take up yoga, girl