I haven't been blogging as of late due to computer unreliability and internet fuckassedness. BUT!
Get this... I'm excited... Are you READY?!??!
I've wanted a new laptop probably since I got my last one... Which was what.... 4 years ago? Possibly 5? No, It must have been 4.... Anyways, I had a Sony VAIO something or other or other as a.... birthday? gift from my parents. My dad knows people at Sony so he got a refurbished something or other for relatively cheap. I know absolutely nothing about my old laptop, come to think of it. What the memory or RAM was.... Either way, It was good for awhile, great for a time, and then it died.
I can blame lindsay lohan all I want for my laptop's death but the truth of the matter is that it was just meant to be. It was an old thing that I trekked with me to the far reaches of CSM, LA and every single day to Santa Cruz. For a while it was my main computer (especially after the death of my desktop) but again, it is dead. Well not COMPLETELY dead.It turns on and you can use it for sometimes even an hour until the blue screen of death and even then it has to be plugged in cause the battery will die otherwise and I'm too damn cheap to buy a battery for a laptop that barely works anyways!
Anyways, I digress, I'm rambling and I need to hurry up and finish so I can get ready for the day.
I GOT A NEW LAPTOP! I got it for a really good price with everythign I wanted, 4gb RAM, 320 harddrive, intel centrino core duo whateverwhatsits. And it's cute. There were a lot of customizable options given that it's an hP but when I compared how much I needed or wanted them to the price I mostly just opted out of them (other than the higher than standard RAM). I got fancy employee discount on it, so I'm even happier. I also feel the need to brag about how ridiculously cheap it was compared to a macbook. So hah, take that.
Cause let's be honest, I want to say at least half, if not more, mac owners don't really NEED a mac. They get them because they're trendy and cool and they look absolutely beautiful. While my laptop isn't absolutely beautiful, it's definately cute and I REALLY don't need anything a mac has to offer for the price. So yay, entertainment/consumer geared laptop for half the price for me.
ALSO! It was so cheap it gives me a little leftover of my graduation money to take dance classes! so I'll update about that EVENTUALLY.