List of the Things:
1) i haven't slept all night because Adolfo and i stayed out until 4 eating popsicles and going to vista points and beaches. We went home and then out again for chai's and sunrise over the golden gate. (see pictures).
2) i had pizza that made my stomach very angry. i was pretty yucky sick for all of an hour. took a shower to wash it away.
3) in accordance with my new years resolution i have been MUCH cleaner than usual. score points for me.
4) the tunnel wishes i've made in the pst couple of days in this order. "I hope adolfo and i can stay utterly in love as long as we can be. no drama. no betrayals. just love." and then "I hope adolfo can find someone to love-love him. to be completely worth it. long term. life changing. even if it means he won't need me anymore. I jsut want him happy."
5) i've told myself i'd call and see adam today. What i'll do most likely? sleep all day.
6)i'm still wonderfully in love with my stuffed lion.
7) Sunrise is fucking beautiful. Kelly clarkson is pretty awesome.
8) watched brokeback mountain. made me almost cry twice. i've recently realized that i love the feeling of tears streaming down my face. Maybe i'll miss it. Most likely i won't. Last time i cried was last i talked to adam (tuesday).
9) I'm going to be SO fucking cozy in my bed.
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