Monday, November 5, 2007

The Thing with Feathers

It's pretty late and I should be working on my midterm that's due tomorrow. And i'm so sleepy that i'mhaving slight chest pains.

But instead of focusing, like usual, i've found somethign better to occupy me. (please dont' mind the typos. i'm pretty tired)

I've just finished reading this news article on an old man who, in his garage, has formulated what could potentially be the cure for cancer. He's had cancer and in the cancer ward he saw how chemo had hurt so many other things with int he body (excuse teh strange turn of phrases and word order. again, i'm really tired). So anyways, he wanted to figure out a way to attack ONLY the cancer cells. and not the part of the body. And he had no science or medical background but since he was a kid he had been building radios.

And whith heart and attempts, he's some how made these amazing discoveries in water. And they say his "cancer killer" could begin clinical trials in two or three years. And in test subjects it's killed 100% of the cancer without harming the animals. Which is amazing. and strange.

And it makes me so... hopeful. and excited. and in a strange way... fulfilled. Like I can believe in something again.

And, to be fair, I've never really known anyone with cancer. I have no first hand experience on how it can change and/or destroy lives and families and happiness. ANd I can't even beign to imagine the magnitude of it. But at the same time, I do. I understand the magnitude of it.

And to think, that a simple old man and some radios, can change that. Can change something. It's refreshing. and hopeful. ANd even if this doesn't work... It could be a big step to somethign that WILL.

And it's like suddenly the whole world can be better. Better.

ANd knowing that the whole world can change... THat makes me so... Happy. Hopeful.

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