- watched Indiana Jones:
I thought it was quite horrible. I think some part of me wanted to like it very much. And maybe I even enjoyed it.... But it was definately awful. It was completely implausible (even when allowed the suspension of disbelief because it was an action/comedy/fantasy movie... even given those, it somehow didn't follow its own logic) and implicitly racist. I'm given the understanding that all the Indy movies are... Bt I don't think I was ready for it. I'm too testy lately to accept stupid shit like that. And, I always seems to like Harrison Ford, he's got a rom-com ex heart-throb soft spot with me... BUt this time he was just so ungracefully old. Granted, he did well being so old. But... it was painful
- Made of Honor
I knew it would be dumb and dissapointing... and it was. Patrick Demp. didn't even give what I call "The Look." The Look is what Patrick Demp. does in all his roles. It's like the puppy "Baroo." Head slightly tilted, but not noticably so, it's just... relaxed in inquisitiveness. And his eyes soften, his brow beseeches, and his breath, some how, when he breathes, wraps around your very heart and pulls you in. And you know, through the TV tubes and non-HD (or low def) screen and the thousands of miles (and his wife, and his elevated status, and your status as dating someone else), through all this you know that he's completely sincere, completely loves you (no, me) with all of his heart and won't ever stop because the thought of life without you utterly crushes his soul. Nope, this movie, he steered clear from The Look, or maybe he didn't do it cause it's too exhausting to be so goddamned heartbreakingly true to his heart and his passion for me to do it one more time in a movie (cause he has o do it so often in a TVshow). and he didn't stay away in a good way, like how Will Smith lost his will-isms when doing that one movie... about his kid... what was it called? Happyness something or other... i remember the mispelled happiness (happyness). And in The Made of Honor, there was also no moment, that I find crucial to the overdone Rom-Com, where your heart just BROKE. where all of your insides come cryingweepingcrashing down in empathysympathyheartbrokensadness for whoever just got screwed. I go to those kind of movies for that moment. Call it catharsis, call it release, call it emotional orgasm... I like it. I like the ouchy heart breaky make me wanna die moments cause I get to walk away. I live for that horrible romantic break apart where I don't have to be apart of the drama. there's no friends I have to worry about, or sticky situations I have to pick my way out of... It's utterly string free heart breaking delightment. It didn't have that... So it was your stereotypical, relatvely shallow, non groundbreaking, cookie cutter rom-com without the best part. LAME
- Went to pescadero (strange, i know) for lunch, a drive, and to get away a little...
There are pictures that I hope to post eventually... We ran into two of the coolest, bad ass-iest sheep EVER. They were like... wool blankets rolled in the mud and pushin' the goats around. Had Artichoke soup which was relatively mediocre, didn't get to go to any antique stores, and got relatively mediocre artichoke bread. Oh, and I slipped convo topics and made my self an asshole. In my defense, I didn't know any better! and it's totally not my fault!
- went to a graduation party
For a cousin that I'm not close to, at a place that wasn't close, for food that made me REALLY sick, a drive that made me REALLY sick, and family interactions that just made me irritable. Oh, the things we do for no apparently worthwhile reasons...
- Finished a 10 pg paper
On... What was it on? Oh yea, Native American Boarding schools and their affects on modern native american life. Boy... that sure wasn't exciting. It could have been, yes, but it wasn't. Cause my class isn't, and therefore the actual assignments are not.
- Had ice cream
Two bad ice cream experiences:
- Yogurtuille in San Mateo, a new place downtown that I think they want to be the new "it" thing. I had one spoon and wanted to throw up. You'd think a name like Yogurtuille would hint to me that in fact, it was made with yogurt... But I try it and am still surprised to find that it tastes like nasty ass cold yogurt. If you didn't know... I fucking hate yogurt. I have never once had a spoon of yogurt cause 1) the texture makes me want to vomit 2) the smell makes me want to vomit and 3) i licked a yogurt spoon once and the taste made me want to vomit. I don't like yogurt. I never have and I never will and I never want to. I hate yogurt. I could say it a million times. Yet, I'm the idiot who thought, "oh, I'll get like a huge ass cup of frozen yogurt and share with everyone since everyone is pissy as hell." Everyone was too pissy to have any... So Ihad a whole thing to myself, which I didn't consume. I threw away like 4 dollars on 1 spoon and no happiness.
- Fentons in Oakland, it was a long wait, super busy, and i was feeling incredibly horribly ill. It wasn't bad, they had good french fries, but i was so sick that the texture of perfectly normal ice cream made me incredibly grossed out. The dairy, I couldn't take the taste of milk. And the Coffee was VERY strong coffee. Which I didn't enjoy at all.
- Spend a lot of time being sick
- watching a lot of TV
- and sleeping... A LOT.