Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just so we're on the same page...

Looking for a living wage sucks.
Wasted potential totally sucks.
Short sticks, ends meat, and pay day to pay day sucks.

Other things that suck in no particular order
Being suckered
Needing sleep
Being the bigger person
Having it rubbed in your face
Being grumpy when you don't want to be
Getting lazier when you shouldn't be
Worrying about life in general
Trying to work a full schedule
Being forced to work around everyone elses schedule
commitment sometimes
non commitment othertimes
Forced patience
sore body
Boring music
Mysterious smell that I can't find the source of
smell that persists
Chronic hives
No, make that chronic health problems
crazy crazy frizzy hair
spending money
saving money
money in general
my mood, in general.

Good news:

After masses of bloodwork with relatively no help, the facing of a needle fear and the urge to cry when punctured I've been reassured that:
I have a normal thyroid
I'm not anemic
I don't have Hep C.
I don't have syphilis
I did have a normal pap smear
My bad and good cholesterol , tryglyceride, and chol to HDL ratio are all within normal healthy range.
I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure therefore my statistical risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years is only 1%. Compared to the average risk of other people my age who have a 4% risk, I'm doing pretty well....

SO BASICALLY: the good news is that contrary to the chronic hives, swelling, and burning pain in my fingers, I'm pretty damn healthy. (at least according to my blood and vagina.)

SO BASICALLY: the good news is that the doctors still don't know what's wrong with me and I have to waste even more time and money on trying to figure it out.

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