To stave off my boredom and hunger I will make a list of things:
- Where is the date on my blog? Hiding...
- I don't know about you but I'd really like to eat something large, delicious, and wonderfully filling that won't make me feel sick, fat, greasy, smelly, or generally bad. Which means nothing fill my criteria.
- Myspace is generally bad for my esteem, I somehow always leave wishing I were prettier or dantier or poutier or smaller or more fashionable or thinner or sadder or badder or poufier or more refined or overall less me.
- Listening to Adam snore makes me happy, although he may get mad I admitted this in a blog.
- I still don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing in life. But I'm pretty sure that I've inadvertantly taken a scorched earth policy about it.
- I secretly (or not so secretly) love to sing. And I think Adam and myself will ever only be the ones to hear it.
- I'm very unphotogenic... Is there some sort of class that helps to fix this problem?
- I've decided that I shouldn't feel bad for giving up on ever becoming a writer. Because there's a chance I have plenty of life yet to live. And once I'm good and old and ready and wise and full of love and full of life I can write the books I've always known I've had in me.
- Lately I've been having a lot of leg, back, and life pains. Growing pains?
- I got my barack obama shirt, car magnet, and poster. VIVA OBAMA!
- I want new shoes, I need new pants, and I definitely need money.
- I always spell definitely wrong. I naturally write "definately," oops.
- I can't wait to move out of my parents house so I can:
- Put whatever I want wherever I want on my walls and,
- Have the furniture I pick where I pick and I can also
- Have sex at any given moment.
- I've really been wanting to get into photography but haven't had the energy for a hobby. I'm all for that hazy golden 1970's photo look. It makes my heart stop.
- When I get a job and the time I'll remember to keep my new year's resolutions.
- I will also resume old hobbies like the general making of junk.
- Valentines is coming up soon, o0o0o, what's everyones big plans?
- We're watching The Phantom and going to Disneyland... Jealous?
- I know what I want to do for Adam but I just hope I have enough time to buy it/make it/do it/find it. (I can't give away the action, it'll give away the present. and Adam DOES read this occasionally. I only know that cause he occasionally busts me out for what I put.)