Friday, January 2, 2009

Auld Lang Syne

Ok, enough of being horribly dismal and ridiculously depressed. I've focused on the bad for too long. Here are the bad things:

  1. My car broke broke broke down
  2. My computer is broken
  3. My laptop is broken
  4. My cell phone is broken
  5. I feel horribly fat
  6. My sister and I: biggest fight since Cain and Able
  7. no job, no prospective job, no idea what I'm doing for the rest of my life, completely lost in life
  8. Fighting/fights with Adam
  9. Hives, headaches, menstrual problems, and many problems associated with medications.

I know it could be so much worse, and that's what everyone wants to remind me. It serves as very little consolation. Just because it can be worse doesn't mean it isn't bad. And  many people will find comfort in knowing they are not alone in whatever it is they're going through: misery loves company. I am the opposite in some ways, it makes me feel so much worse to know that everyone goes through the same miseries: it proves that these trials are normal, inevitable, helpless parts of life.

But, especially with a recent change of events, the holidays, and... I guess a dire need of a pick me up. I need to remember that there is so much good.

  1. My car is actually being covered by the warranty. Even 250 of the towing charges. That's a ridiculously huge load off of my chest. 
  2. My cell phone got fixed for now.... for free!
  3. My sister and I made up for christmas. (We both didn't feel like being mad anymore anyways)
  4. I got to see the snow.
  5. I have a possible job option up and coming..... o0o0o0o0o
  6. I have an absolutely hands down wonderful McWonderful boyfriend/best friend. That even if we occassionally hit a rough patch is still there for me in every aspect and way. Yay, go Adam.
  7. I have a handful of good friends, who I enjoy spending time with, talking with, and even occassionally just emailing with that I can laugh with, be happy with, and feel like I'm less of a lonely bast.
  8. I finally got my period, I have an allergist appt. in a week so hopefully we can find a new medicinal cocktail.
  9. I start school soon!!!!!!!! So my brain won't be stagnant level max!
  10. I finished my Kurt Vonnegut book which I very much enjoyed (anyone else love Vonnegut? I always loooove book buddies, and i've read most vonnegut books if you ever want to chat it up)
  11. Adam and I got Disneyland tickets for christmas! (may possibly get to see The Phantom after all)
  12. I got cool new shoes and gonna get a super awesome bluuuuuue jacket
  13. I had a good new years eve, a good christmas, and everyone I love is safe, sound, and gonna be ok.
  14. I cleaned my room, cleaned my house, taught my little sister how to ride a bike, pet the dog, and got to play with a puppy

So, Life is awesome. There are so many good things I appreciate every moment of every day. And even during my series of small catastrophes I would lose it, lose it, and lose it if it weren't for the million small and large things that I  enjoy, love, and am definately grateful for. So next time someone asks, "How've you been?" I'll stop being such a no good downer McDowner grinch and hesitating and saying "ehhh... I'm allriiiiiiiight." My medicines make it easy to forget how to smile.

So I'm forcing myself to remember. Smiles.

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