Friday, February 27, 2009

A Little Shout Out

I'm gonna go out on a limb and admit that I know I have a very small handful of readers. So I'm gonna say, "Hi! Welcome to my usually self-convoluted life as I try to a little to grow up." Thanks for coming around. It's nice to see that even one or two people take a peek. I try to keep it not so boring (try! not always succeed). I especially like to see the variance in everyone's location!

If you're secretly lurking in those shadows, go ahead, leave a comment or if you have a blogger, follow me and I can even follow you back!

I know blogs aren't social networking sites like Myspace or facebook, so I don't want or need comments or wall posts like it is.

But just cause I want to get to know you a little bit (cause you know so much about me!)

Here's a conversation starter:

Where're you from? How Old? What's your favorite movie? Why is it your favorite movie? What do you really think I should be when I grow up? What do you want to be? (or already are). How many coins can you fit in your bellybutton? and/or have any tattoos?

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