Monday, February 2, 2009

Today, on a whim, I cut my own hair. I now look like a total dork. At best it could be considered choppy, uneven, and strange.

Rather than be upset about it like some others might, I find it utterly hilarious. How funny is it that I got this random idea to cut my own hair, use the same scissors I use to cut the dogs hair, and without any skill or practiceand barely a plan of attack just start cutting? After the first bad snippet that reminded me of when my little sister cut her own bangs in secret when she was 2 or 3, I just couldn't stop laughing. A little nervous and unable to stop giggling I continued to cut for a pretty long time.

I mean, it doesn't look BAD at all. I have such long, dark hair that it practically masks any real change, good or bad. But have I had better haircuts? Yes, oh yes.

Have I had more personalized and humorous haircuts? Definately not!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


step away from the scissors...

hahah nah, sounds like you had a good time which is fortunate. Giving yourself a bad haircut that you can't stand can be traumatic. You dodged a bullet there. Do you ever wonder why people get so upset over bad hairdos when they know it'll grow out?