I thought it'd be a fun entry to show off each of my cameras! You know, before I get my newest addition. I admit, I'm a little addicted to the buying of the cameras. Don't judge me. They each have their own little story. So if you're easily bored walk away now while you still can. It will be long winded and ridiculously pointless as my entries usually are! haha.
My FufiFilm Instax Mini: I often inflate my own ego and tell myself that I got things or knew about things before they gained in popularity. I could be lying to myself but I continually insist that it's true. This is one of those things. I stumbled on it online a loooong time ago and couldn't purchase it due to my constant lack of funds before hit Urban Outfitters and EVERY website. I finally got it on my birthday, after the engagement this year from the one and only Adam. You'll see a trend with these, I've received many from or to do with Adam. I used this camera for pictures of the flea market, our engagement/friendsgiving, and our fair share of random fun. We can't very well document EVERY romantic excursion now, can we? There's just too many too often.
My Polaroid OneStep Land Camera: I hunted one of these down on Ebay for daaaays. I mean, I have an Instax, why not the real genuine thing? I bid on a few on ebay but lost, over budget. And then, this past Antique faire/flea market (The one every first Sunday that we go to every month. See, I told you we can't document it all), I stumbled on this beauty at a booth! It was a little dirty but was apparently in perfectly working condition. After a long internal debate I gave in. I bought it. A whopping FIVE dollars. This is especially awesome because
The Impossible Project has just finished their work! These cameras are going for many dineros. That and they're sold out. But now film, although still expensive is easily available! I'm ridiculously excited.
The Diana: Aaaahhhhh. My diana. Oh diana. How I will endlessly infinitely love my Diana Dreamer. Sometimes I get suddenly REALLY anxious that it will one day break and I won't be able to get another one and I'll have to live the rest of my life Diana-less. I've considered buying like 5 to keep in my closet. Seriously. This will have to go down in history as one of my first cameras I've ever bought. I bought a digital camera YEEAAARRRSSS ago, barely. I don't even remember the reason other than that it was love at first sight. Even now, just looking at it, I sigh a little and my heart aches. Is it unhealthy that material objects do this to me? The Dreamer Diana is the camera embodiment of my very soul.
My Canon Antique SLR: I don't know if it really qualifies as
antique or if it's just vintage. According to wikipedia my camera model was manufactured sometime between 1976 - 1984. It's older than me! This was also an antique faire acquisition. A really good price from your standard loveable antique selling old man. I even got a free camera bag! He had a beard and everything.

and last but definitely not least,
My Lubi 2: another sigh/groan inducing camera love affair. This is probably one of the most awesome cameras I have. Everything is better when you win it, the commercials are true. A triumphant ebay purchase, indeed!! Straight from Poland this beauty beauty beauty has graced me with it's presence.
Ok, so I didn't really have much to regale you with in regards to camera stories. Maybe next time?
haha. Oh, and in case you forgot what I looked like, that's me holding all the cameras. Yeahhhh..... little vain? maybe.
1 comment:
you're to beautiful for words. (but those words seem to work pretty well)
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