Friday, February 3, 2006

She has a Secret Diary

This isn't the first time. Won't be the last.

You call it unlove. I call it unlove.

Let's just call it niether of us care anymore.

Forget those days. forget those hurts. Forget the whatever fell between.

Forget it all because you have to.Forget it because nothing will ever change the fact that i'm not strong enough for you.

Because I'll always love you.

And that won't ever be enough. (just like you loving me won't be enough.)


In dirty white washed bathrooms she leaned her head against the walls and cried. Yes, cried for lost loves. And afterwards she didn't call you... Called a closer someone. Of course she didn't tell. She wouldn't have told you either. It was just the comfort of another voice. The comfort.

Always, all those years, I saw it as you were dark and jaded. Hard and tough. Everything i couldn't be.

And I could be a believer, a hoper, a lover, a magic in disguise come smile with me.

But that's not who you are anymore. Not who i am.

Together (but not together) we've grown up and grown strong and let's be honest, we don't need each other anymore.

If anything... I need you so i can believe again. If anything... You need me to be angry at.

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