Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What We're all Thankful For

Oh Thanksgiving, how you've harmed my very soul:
- car hit and run? Check
- ditched at a party an hour and a half from home with no goddamned ride: check
- prayers been forced to listen to: twice.
- bitter fuck: check

Brightsides? I haven't been told I'm fat again, my car wasn't hit twice, I wasn't ditched twice, and hey, at least I caught a ride. Eventually.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Manic Monday

My mother, who I consider a relative expert on child raising given her 5 children 5+ grandchildren and uncountable amounts of neices or nephews has elnighted me with this:

"The only thing worse than watching a sick baby is watching a sick baby WHILE you're sick!"

I second this sentiment after a day of standing holding the 30 lb. baby not being able to sit down or put her down unless willing to face unwavering screaming while too weak to stand and too sick to breathe, and having a cell phone thrown at my head (by the baby) hard enough to make me want to cry.

Oh long days of all long days, after a night of literally (and accidentally) banging my head against a wall, not sleeping, nightmares, and a ridiculous EXPLOSION of the worst hives i think i've ever gotten. Why is the day not yet done?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Good Old Days (Pt. 2)

That night...

After a beautiful sunset, (an upsetting family party), feeling drained from the sun, and some internet browsing...
I tried to wake up adam. He was sleeping for a good hour and a half before at 1:30 in the morning (night, really) when I decided I would try and play puppies with him. Don't get any dirty ideas, the game mostly consists of jumping on him, pulling his ears, and trying to make him mad. I suceeded in waking him up but he refused to stay awake. I threatened to take pictures of him sleeping. And being the terrorist brat I am I half hoped the flash would bother him enough. I couldn't just threaten...
I'm so cruel, I know. I only took one of his face before I felt bad for being such a bug. So, I let him sleep...
And made shadow puppets on his back instead!
The most brilliant idea i've EVER had. Seriously.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's Up To You and Me, but Whose to Say? These could be the good old days...

This past sunday was a blissfully beautiful day. Nothing makes me feel more alive and more grateful to be in love than beautiful days.

I like a lot of these simpy for the blue skies and green trees and the ridiculously beautiful setting. We don't often take pictures together, and even more rare I post them on the internet. But I figured this time, why not, I'll go the extra mile and being internet cheesy.
I don't know why, maybe it was the sun light, but my eyes LOOK closed in almost all of these. Surprisingly enough, they aren't closed, simply... squinted.

For a short period of time everyone was at out picnic eating lunch... My mom made shrimp tempura, teriyaki steak, miso tofu salad... You get the drift (and the theme). We ate them in the sun watching the butterflies and listening to the water for a while eating on real plates (opposed to normal plastic picnic fare). But given that a majority of people hate happiness they went back inside leaving Adam and I outside just basking for a handful of hours being happy. I dont understand WHY everyone went inside, it was digustingly stuffy and hot and crowded. While outside in the shade it was cool, calm, and there was plenty of wonderfulness to go around.

A little later on ZoMcZoe stopped by the house. I stole her outside to join our picnic and walk in the grass. I secretly wanted her to try and eat dirt. But to no avail...

Does everyone see how wonderful it was out? How big and open and picturesque everything is?
Here we are testing gravity and physics. A + B + baby upside down = that little alien look she's giving. Curly Sue, that's what she is. It may seem awesome now, but she'll learn that it isn't always fun and games to have like me. In babytimes it's adorable. In adolenscence its embaressing, fizzy, and awkward. In adult hood its finally manageable.
Then she went back inside to hang out with The Slouchers.
This big yellow duvet seemingly lends itself beautifully to sunshine picnics.(Wish the blackberry weren't ruining the pictures). And ridiculouslyaffectionate secret factor I'll let everyone in on? My head wasn't just down, Adam's hand is beneath my face (and in my hand) and I'm cuddling it. Gross, right?

It was hands-down one of the best days of my life. The kind of day that makes a lifetime. golden. Absolutely golden.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've mellowed out since spending 8+ miserable hours with my family, being told I'm fat, and being forced to go to church.

Now I just feel sick to my stomach, slightly grumpy, and wishing I could hang out with friends more often.

Friendsgiving soon TBA. And other hangouts of pleasure.

Family Matters?

This is going to sound really petty and ridiculous...

But my grandma told me I was getting really fat. Worse yet, she said it in Tagalog and it made it sound somehow MUCH more insulting. I wish she had said "fat" instead.

And maybe it's cause i'm on my period or maybe it's cause lately i've been going through a (short) phase of feeling bodily secure...

But now I want to cry.

(super sighs) ... .. .  I'm fat.... . . .

and i was having such a good day otherwise.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Fight

What a dismal state of affairs our state will find ourselves in if Prop. 8 passes.

I have very stone hard beliefs but I'm the kind of person that doesn't feel the need to push them onto everyone and anyone. My brothers, sisters, and father are very confrontational. I took the quiet rode and told myself that I'd believe what I believe and let others argue it out. But here's a lapse in that....

What a horrible, dismal, incredibly depression state of affairs we'll find ourselves in if these are the results:

At approximately 1:00 AM with 66.2% votes turned in

There's around a 400,000 vote difference between yes and no on prop 8. Yes is in the lead (so far), that's 52.6% vs. 47.4%
Prop 2, which dealt with animal rights is winning for yes with 62%.
Prop 4, parental notification for abortions is No (53%).

And others that weren't so close to my heart...

I know that I shouldn't be so pessimistic and remember our silver lining (GObama!) but, seriously? A proposition to TAKE AWAY rights of people that have only just been granted to them?!

This isn't a sad day just for the Californian LGBT community, but for everyone everywhere interested and pining for Justives.

Just a sad, sad day... Thanks Middle America (Middle California) for forcing state policy to take a step back. For RETROGRESSIVE ideals.

I think it's time to move, what about you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I FILLED UP MY CAR FOR LESS THAN 40 DOLLARS!!!!!! Thank heavens!!!!! Cheap(er) gas!!!