Monday, May 24, 2010

Civic Duty

Usually I make the half hour trek to my parents house out in El Granada to vote every voting type day because:

1) I'm too lazy too re-register where I live now given that I may not be living there much longer.


2) I like having the full voting experience with old people, electronic voting machines vs. Fill in the line ballots, and stickers. It's like reading a book. It's more than just the words: it's the turning of the physical page, the smell of the book, the feeling of accomplishment to put each page behind you.

But this year I've gotten busy. I even missed the last voting day! I know it was one of those local measures sort of thing, but it's still the first time since I've turned 18.

So, I've decided to register to absentee vote.

Just for this one time.
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Material Monday

Maybe I talk about material things too often, I'll call it a bad habit.

It's because my brain is only ever filled with the following things: fighting off depression, fighting off the feelings of a relatively mediocre so far life, worry about various relatives in the hospital or distant but still present family friend deaths (or the effects of both on those that are closer to me), being ridiculously in love or ridiculously irritated at love, small bickerances with friends and shopping. Seriously.

If I only ever talked about the other stuff can you imagine what a downer reading and writing this blog would be? It's a bit of a downer as it is, but we can't very well make wine from water, now can we?

Plus, I'm a girl in my early 20's whose found love, lives on a moderate income, and has spent the earlier half of the past decade worrying about things from global warming to the military industrial complex to proper birth control. I shouldn't have to feel guilty about being a little materialistic.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Morning

Ok, it isn't morning.

But I have the best boyfriend ever.

He makes me jam sandwiches even when I look like crumb.

the end.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tomorrow Morning

I'm so excited and happy I could dance.

Instead I'll type excited like this:



Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I have a hard time talking about these sort of things.

Talking about dreams and goals and my aspirations makes me feel incredibly vulnerable. Like just to speak it aloud to one person opens me up to the whole world for judgement. Currently I'm in the state that just one mal-judgement or unkind word could squash me forever. I'm fragile.

That being said, while browsing quotes I've run into this:

"It's never too late to be what you might have been"
- George Elliot

(Picture by me)

I'm trying to apply this to my frame of mind, my daily life, and my very soul. I whisper it inside of myself to remember.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I can't function half blind.

Sometimes at the end of the day it feels so damn good to take my glasses off.

Maybe that's just a really bad metaphor about the weight and burden of needing to see the world.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Just another Monday...

with a sudden craving ignited by the internet and fueled by my menstruation adam and I jetted off to the city for some cupcakes!!

Two closed cupcake places later and a 10 min. Drive later we settled on the most delicious panaderia.
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Is it my birthday yet?

People talk about being "good with money" all the time like it's some sort of olympic sport.

I accept that it's a different kind of talent that I just don't have.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Things We Carry

Usually when I bake, cook, or hardcore clean I take off my engagement ring to save it from getting stained, besmirched, or be-yuckied. I keep it in my little goose measuring cup.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Temper Temper

Last night / this morning I had a dream I was burning to death.


Monday, May 10, 2010

What more could I want?

The sun isn't even fully set and it's 8pm.

Summer has officially arrived and I couldn't be more excited.
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Shoes and Jumping


So as I'm sure you all know my blog entries are almost always too long. I start with a point and then I just ramble ramble ramble off until all hope is lost of ever being found.

Well, you'll be happy to learn that I just figured out how to insert a jump. SO, interested in reading about my bad ass (and occassionally just bad) blogging skills? Then read on after the jump!

The Lack of Accountability

My Mother's day turned into a kind of total flop. I know, contradiction to be "totally" and "kind of" but how else do I say it?

I'm not meaning to be dramatic. I know it sounds that way. It really isn't a dramatic big deal. It's just a conversation starter.

But anyways, my house is a freaking mess. It's all I ever complain about because it truly is perpetually messy.

Here's how my day went:
  • Woke up late. Contacts too dry. Lounged around till far too late.
  • Had a relatively mediocre boring lunch.
  • Went to the flower shop to check out the completely stripped selection of lame flowers. Bought varied bunches and made my own cool bouquets.
  • Rushed over to catch my mom and give her her flowers. I saw her a total of 2 minutes and she was not happy about it. At. All. (Not that my bouquet was a flop. She liked the flowers it's just that she was being dramatic and is currently hating life.)
  • Dejectedly wasted time at Quickly, Staples, various phone stores, and a couple of stores.
  • Thai food for dinner - relatively normal boring Thai food.
  • Home for a 7 person rock band session (in turns). I tried to sing and I think I strained my (still healing) voice. I lost it a little bit again. Damn me, I'm sick of being sick. I think if I'm not a little better tomorrow I'll FINALLY make a doctor's appointment. Everyone wants to yell at me to go to the doctor but it's easier said than done when A) you don't have insurance B) are living paycheck to paycheck and don't have ANY money to put into your savings account that's been titled and reserved for the wedding of your dreams and is practically empty and C) you google all of your symptoms and everything points to Laryngitis which according to the internet is just treated with home rest.
  • Anonymous neighbor note on our door that pissed me off. It's not that it was an unreasonable request (to "limit our steps" after 10pm). It's that: 1) we were obviously home 2) if they had knocked I would have explained that the dog does zoomies uncontrollably and we have more guests over on a Sunday night than usual because my military cousin is in town for only 4 days until who knows when. I would have apologized and promised to really try and control the dog in the future. And 3) the note wasn't signed, no number was left, it was typed as if to disguise handwriting, nothing to set them apart. Anonymity is a mask for cowards to avoid accountability. 
Plenty of people put up with plenty of flack from neighbors, everything from sex noises to dog barking to shootings and attempt to vent in private and not intrude on another's sovereignty. But they couldn't just keep it to themselves? Am I being crazy? 

Another neighbor asked us previously not to have the dog pee on the grass. To our face. We apologized, said ok, and I never never never let her pee on the grass. I even walk by the stupid little alleyway where there's a bird's nest that protectively flies over me, scaring the shit out of me, every day just so the dog won't pee on the grass. Sure, I secretly mocked the neighbor for a little bit in private and tried to avoid running into her because I was scared I'd get in trouble again. But she talked to us herself, she asked nicely, we responded nicely, we avoided bothering each other again, problem solved.

Do I leave anonymous notes on other neighbor's doors asking for them to please shut their CONSTANTLY whining kid up? Or to stop having sex in the late morning because it interupts when I want to sleep in and be late for work or occassionaly in the afternoons? Noooooo. Maybe I should.

I think I am being crazy and possibly non-sensical. I'm still sick and I'm exhausted.

Lately I've been getting this strange feeling. As if I'm losing my place in space. You know when you're reading a book, you daze out a little, realize you're really just looking at letters? And then you try to half-heartedly, while still in a daze, try to find where you left off? It's as if you're just making circles in the letters and words and spaces between them. I feel that way in space.

I blink too long or close my eyes or daze out a little and for a brief second it's like i'm spinning. I don't know if my feet are on the ground and if up is up and down is down. I'm spinning. It's like a dizzy feeling in the back of my mind. Like suddenly I'm just floating. This is turning out be more difficult to explain than I anticipated. It's like a form of free-falling without the feeling of the wind pushing against you. It's a weightless sort of feeling. Like if you don't grab hold the whole world will evaporate. I have to constantly hold onto things like walls or desks as if to tell my body, "You are right here. You are on the ground. You will not float away. This is where you are." It's a mild sort of vertigo.

I used to get this feeling when I was really tired. When I'd go to sleep at 4 or 5 in the morning only to wake up at 7 and have to function in the world. That stage of tired right before anxiety steps in (I get a lot of anxiety attacks when I'm not sleeping well). But lately it hasn't been dependant on my tired level. I could be perfectly awake when suddenly I lose my place. Lose my space.

It could be another form of my same old vertigo. I usually get it when I'm PMSing. But for me, vetigo is more when suddenly the room slams. It's a visual thing. It's like the room just drops. It's like a super high power dizzy. Sometimes it literally make me fall over. It's as if I'm in a snow globe and someone just turned it completely and physically on it's side. Instead of being a peice of slow-floating glitter or gold foil flake I am a rock. I have all the weight of gravity upon me. It sounds pretty crazy but my sister and my mom both get it and it only ever comes around my period. Periods can do funny things to a girl.

If Andrea reads this she's going to insist that I go to an ENT again, to which I'll refer her to bullet point number seven.

I'm rambling because I'm tired. I guess it's time to go to sleep.

Hope everyone had a better Mother's Day than I. Especially actual mothers.